Tag Archives: Lawsuits/Legal

Nikola Paying $125M to Settle with SEC

Nikola Corp. agreed to pay $125 million to settle civil charges levied against the company by the Securities and Exchange Commission claiming it defrauded investors by making false claims about its vehicles. 

Nikola CEO Trevor Milton t-shirt
Nikola’s settlement with the SEC still holds the company accountable for statements made by founder Trevor Milton.

The deal is separate from the civil and criminal charges against Trevor Milton, the company’s founder and now-former Chairman. In fact, the company’s agreed to cooperate with any current investigation and litigation, however, it didn’t admit or deny the SEC’s findings in the settlement.

The agency contends the company misled investors about the capabilities of its hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicles, suggesting they were further along in development than they were. The focal point being a video of its Nikola One appearing to be driving under its own power, when it was actually rolling down a slight decline.

The video became the centerpiece of a report by short-selling research firm Hindenburg Research claiming Nikola was based on “intricate fraud built on dozen of lies” perpetrated by Milton. That quickly triggered an SEC probe and led to the decision by Milton to resign on Sept. 21.

Nikola agreed to pay the $125 million in five installments over two years. The first payment comes by the end of this year, with the remainder being paid in semi-annual installments in 2022 and 2023. The company previously disclosed Nov. 4, 2021 it took a $125 million reserve in its third quarter earnings to account for the expected settlement. 

Nikola Motor Chairman Trevor Milton

Nikola Motor’s former Chairman Trevor Milton is facing civil and criminal charges in court.

Milton not off the hook

Nikola “is responsible both for Milton’s allegedly misleading statements and for other alleged deceptions, all of which falsely portrayed the true state of the company’s business and technology,” said Gurbir Grewal, the SEC’s enforcement director, in a statement.

Milton saw civil and criminal charges filed against in July, claiming he used social media to repeatedly mislead investors about the company’s technology, netting “tens of millions of dollars” in the process. Milton’s repeatedly denied wrongdoing and is in the midst of a court battle.

Audrey Strauss, the acting U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said during a press conference in late July, Milton deliberately set out to deceive what she described as “retail investors” by making claims he knew were false about Nikola products.

While Nikola’s settled up with the SEC, it’s now focused on its former leader.

Nikola Tre Class 8 semi

The company’s attempting to move on from the problems. In fact, it delivered its first battery-electric Tre Class 8 rigs last week.

“The company has taken action to seek reimbursement from its founder, Trevor Milton, for costs and damages in connection with the government and regulatory investigations,” the company said in a release.

Moving forward

“We are pleased to bring this chapter to a close as the company has now resolved all government investigations,” the company said in a statement. 

“We will continue to execute on our strategy and vision to deliver on our business plan, including delivering trucks to customers, expanding our manufacturing facilities and our sales and service network, and building out our hydrogen infrastructure ecosystem including hydrogen production, distribution and dispensing stations.”

This is already happening as it delivered the first Nikola Tre battery-electric pilot trucks to Total Transportation Services Inc. (TTSI), a Southern California’s port trucking company, to expedite zero-emission transportation solutions at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

The company is engaged in a four-truck pilot program with the trucking company, involving two battery electric trucks with a range of 350 miles and two fuel cell-electric trucks with a range of 500 miles. If the vehicle trials go well and TTSI obtains government funding, the company will provide 30 BEVs in 2022, and 70 FCEVs are anticipated to start in 2023.

GM’s Ultra Cruise Will Leapfrog Tesla Autopilot, Offer Full Hands-Free Driving Virtually Everywhere

In the race to put self-driving vehicles on the road, General Motors may be ready to take the lead with the new Ultra Cruise system it plans to put on the road by 2023.

Cadillac plans to expand the rollout of Super CruiseTM, the world’s first true hands-free driver assistance feature for the freeway. Super Cruise will be available on all Cadillac models, with the rollout beginning in 2020. After 2020, Super Cruise will make its introduction in other General Motors brands.
GM is currently rolling out its original Super Cruise system on a wide range of products, including Chevy and GMC models, as well as those from Cadillac.

The new system will increase by tenfold the number of miles of roads GM’s Super Cruise system can operate on – and where the current system only can operate on limited-access roadways, Ultra Cruise will cover “every road including city streets, subdivision streets and paved rural roads, in addition to highways,” GM said in a statement announcing the new technology. At launch, Ultra Cruise will operate on 2 million miles of roads, said GM, with a goal of increasing that to 3.4 million.

With Ultra Cruise, GM seems positioned to leapfrog Tesla, the EV automaker that marketed the first “self-driving” system, Autopilot. Despite releasing a new update it refers to as “Full Self-Driving,” Tesla’s technology still requires drivers to keep their hands on the wheel at all times.

“Ultra Cruise is not just a game changer in terms of what it enables ­− a door-to-door hands-free driving experience − but a technological one as well,” said Doug Parks, GM’s executive vice president of Global Product Development, Purchasing and Supply Chain.

The race for autonomy

The auto industry is in a race to develop autonomous vehicle technology – with the eventual goal of having vehicles operate without the assistance of a human driver. GM’s San Francisco-based Cruise subsidiary recently won approval from the State of California to test prototype vehicles that don’t even have a steering wheel or other driver controls. But most experts believe that it will be late in the decade before such systems are ready for widespread use.

(Click to expand.)

In the meantime, the focus is on more limited systems that can reduce the role of the driver – though a motorist would still need to be ready to take control in an emergency, or if the vehicle were to travel outside a “geofenced” area.

A number of manufacturers are developing these systems – known in industry parlance as “Level 2 autonomy.” Tesla was first to market with the original Autopilot, GM following with Super Cruise which it is now rolling out on a wide range of vehicle lines.

Both have significant limitations and make various trade-offs. Tesla has dubbed the latest version of Autopilot “Full Self-Driving,” and many owners have been using the system hands-free. Some have been recorded going so far as to jump into the back seat while the vehicle is moving. But the automaker actually stresses that motorists need to maintain at least a loose grip on the wheel.

Tesla v GM

GM claims drivers actually can take hands off the wheel using Super Cruise. But the system is restricted to about 200,000 miles of U.S. and Canadian roads. And the GM system uses a camera to ensure that the driver remains alert and in position to take over quickly, if necessary.

Tesla FSD Simulation

A digital simulation of Tesla’s “Full Self-Driving” system.

Tesla has, until recently, not monitored the driver. But it plans to do so after coming under fire for the lax way in which many drivers use Super Cruise. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is conducting a probe of Autopilot in the wake of several dozen crashes, a number of those involving Tesla vehicles impacting stationary emergency vehicles.

“The way Tesla is doing it, there always will be error problems,” said Sam Abuelsamid, principal auto analyst with Guidehouse Insights.

Tesla relies on the data gathered by a network of cameras to operate Autopilot. GM, on the other hand, uses radar, as well as ultra high-definition street maps, with Super Cruise. And the Ultra Cruise system will add LIDAR, a 3D laser technology.

“This is a more robust solution,” said Abuelsamid. “They’ve taken a safer approach (even as they) expand tenfold the number of roads they can use Ultra Cruise on.”

No rollout roadmap – yet

The GM system will be able to recognize street signs and traffic signals, as well as pedestrians, bicyclists and animals. And it will be able to handle pretty much any sort of situation that a human driver would normally be required to negotiate, according to GM.

The automaker hasn’t provided a specific roadmap for rolling out Ultra Cruise but it’s expected to follow the same model used for the original Super Cruise system. That would begin with the flagship Cadillac brand and then expand to other GM brands.

Motorists pay additional fees for vehicles equipped with the basic Super Cruise hardware and GM recently announced that it will charge a monthly usage fee, as well. Tesla, Ford and other manufacturers are adopting similar pricing models.

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UAW Sells Scandal-Plagued Northern Michigan Property for $1.1 Million

The United Auto Workers netted $1.1 million from the sale of the property located adjacent to the UAW’s Black Lake educational center, which figured prominently in the recent scandal, leading to prison sentences for two former UAW presidents. 

UAW Dennis Williams
The UAW sold the “cabin” built for expelled former President Dennis William on its Black Lake property in northern Michigan.

The lakefront property near Onaway, Michigan includes the 1,900-square foot residence that was supposed to the part-time retirement home of former UAW President Dennis Williams, who was sentenced to 21 months in prison for his role in the scandal after he pleaded guilty to charges of wire fraud and conspiracy. 

The $1.1 million earned from the sales of the home will go into the UAW’s general fund, UAW spokesman Brian Rothenberg said in an email to TheDetroitBureau.com. 

Home approved during UAW convention  

The union’s Constitutional Convention in 2018 rubber-stamped a motion to build the retirement cottage for Williams without any dissent or discussion from the convention floor, which was tightly controlled by Williams’ allies.  

The UAW sold the property as part of the deal struck with federal prosecutors.

The resolution authorizing construction of the “cabin” relied on the precedent set when the UAW’s 2002 Constitutional Convention, authorizing construction of a house at Black Lake for UAW President Steven Yokich, who was retiring after seven years as the union’s leader. 

“In tribute to his tireless efforts to invest in and expand the educational and recreational opportunities available to UAW leaders at the great facility, the cottage shall be available for his use whenever he visits the center, for the use of others when he isn’t visiting the center, and for the display of special memorabilia of his choosing,” according to the resolution included in a book on the proceedings from the union’s convention in Las Vegas. 

Golf course and “cabin” almost sold earlier

former UAW President Ron Gettelfinger

Former UAW Ron Gettelfinger tried to sell the Black Lake golf course in 2010.

Yokich, who also directed to construction of a new championship-style golf course at Black Lake, died two months after leaving office but the resolution authorizing construction of a house remained while the property the UAW acquired at Yokich’s direction remained vacant.   

Ron Gettelfinger, who was the UAW’s president from 2002 to 2010, tried unsuccessfully to sell the golf course and to minimize the cost of operating Black Lake during a deep recession that decimated the UAW’s membership rolls.  

Gettelfinger, who was quite familiar with the center’s financial problems declined to have any kind of house built for him and his successor, Bob King, simply used a cabin at Black Lake that had been used by other former UAW officers such as Doug Fraser, according to people familiar with Black Lake’s operations. 

Black Lake is a special place to the UAW as iconic leader Walter Reuther is buried there.

Williams took an interest in the Black Lake project while serving as the UAW’s Secretary-Treasurer from 2010 to 2014. He managed to shore up the center’s finances with help from the UAW’s strike fund and as his term as UAW president ended, he began talking up with aides and colleagues he idea of building a new home the property owned by the UAW adjacent to Black Lake even though federal investigators were already probing the conduct of UAW officials. 

Black Lake special for UAW 

Black Lake holds a special place in union lore. It was planned by Water Reuther, who led the UAW in the years after World War II. Reuther died in 1970 in plane crash when he was on his way north to inspect its construction. He is now buried at Black Lake, where hundreds of union members go each year for conferences and meetings. 

As the scandal continued to unfold, the Williams retirement home at Black Lake became emblematic of the corruption among the UAW top officers that has now led to prison sentences for a dozen former officers and officials. 

Williams, like former UAW president Gary Jones, also has been expelled from the union.  

The UAW put the cottage up for sale last year but the pandemic and questions about an easement and a possible federal claim to the property delayed the move. All of the issues, including the potential for forfeiture to the U.S. government have been resolved, union officials said. “This sale rights a wrong from the past, and I want each and every one of you to know that we continue to implement ethics reforms throughout the organization,” new President Ray Curry wrote in a note to members last week.

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SEC Investigating VW Due to the “Voltswagen” Stunt


The “Voltswagen” April Fool’s Day prank has led to an investigation by the SEC.

What started out as a “humorous” advertising and marketing ploy could land German automaker Volkswagen in serious trouble with the federal government.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is apparently looking into VW’s “Voltswagen” marketing stunt to determine if it hurt company stock prices and may have broken any U.S. securities laws, according to German news outlet Der Spiegel.

The incident in question dates back to March 29. As a sort of early April Fool’s Day prank (and marketing ploy), VW “accidentally” released a rough draft of a press release declaring the company was going to change its name to “Voltswagen” as part of a larger effort to promote its ever-growing line-up of electric vehicles (EVs).

This action was picked up by the worldwide automotive press and on March 30 VW issued an official press release to several news outlets, including the Associated Press, confirming the leaked statement from the day before.

This action resulted in VW’s stock price going up. At one point it was 12.5% above its price before the whole incident.

SEC looking at jump in stock price

VW of America President Scott Keogh took responsibility for the poorly received April Fools’ prank that wasn’t on April 1.

This is what caught the attention of the SEC, taking what many considered a fairly unfunny publicity ruse to a possible federal offense.

After the April Fool’s stunt failed in the eyes of the media and the public, VW issued a press statement saying the releases were actually part of a larger tradition in which companies often issue prank statements.

This one just meant to also focus the world’s attention on VW’s growing EV portfolio.

But public statements that affect stock prices usually don’t get an “April Fools” immunity. An SEC investigation could result in charges against the company.

Several news organizations, including The New York Times and Reuters, have asked for a comment from VW. So far, the company has declined to issue one.

Just one of many VW legal scandals

This is not the first time VW has gotten into trouble for the way it conducts its business.

Oh those wacky Germans!! As quickly as it got here, VW took it away: Voltswagen is the company that never was.

In October 2015, as Volkswagen struggled to deal with its diesel emissions scandal, new data raised questions about whether the automaker properly reported death and injury claims to U.S. regulators during the past decade.

A study by the financial advisory firm Stout Risius Ross Inc., found that Volkswagen of America reported nine times fewer deaths and injuries than the average of the 11 largest automakers operating in the U.S. market. Significantly, VW reported less than half as many incidents as either Fiat Chrysler or Honda, both of which have been fined for underreporting their own death and injury data.

Back in September 2015, the EPA accused the German maker of using a so-called “defeat devices,” software designed to fool government emissions tests, on a variety of luxury models from the Audi and Porsche brands. The feds charged VW took steps to cover up excess emissions on 482,000 vehicles sold in the U.S. during a 7-year period.

The end result was VW paying billions of dollars in fines to various governments around the world. The company also faced numerous consumer lawsuits that further cost the company money.

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