Tag Archives: hot hatches

Detroit Auto Show Organizers Moving NAIAS Again: Fall 2021

A rendering of the 2021 North American International Auto Show reveals a new feature: a chance for visitors to test drive new vehicles. It will now be a fall show.

The North American International Auto Show for 2021 is moving from its projected June date to now late September in what organizers are calling a “reimagined indoor and outdoor show.”

Public days for the show will now be Sept. 28 – Oct. 9, 2021 with the media preview and other events actually kicking off Sept. 24. Organizers say the NAIAS will be a “fall show going forward.”

The annual event was previously held in early January, but due to competition with other auto shows and the Consumer Electronics Show held just prior, organizers elected to move the event to mid-June to give themselves some breathing room while coinciding with a slew of other auto-related events in the Detroit area during that time like the Detroit Grand Prix and the Woodward Dream Cruise.

(“Whichever way is necessary,” the Detroit Auto Show will be back in 2021, organizers say.)

There were some who were unhappy with those new show dates, although grumbling was kept to a minimum. However, the auto show schedule has been thrown into chaos due to the COVID-19 pandemic and shows have been shifting to new dates or cancelling altogether as everyone tries to made due the best they can.

“We have talked with many of our partners, particularly the OEMs, and they are fully on board and excited about the date change,” NAIAS Executive Director Rod Alberts said in a statement.

That uncertainty apparently provided some time for reflection — and change. NAIAS officials say the show “is teed up to be a global powerhouse of current product and next-generation mobility combined with immersive brand activations and product engagement for both the international media and the public.”

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Hyundai’s 2021 Veloster Comes in Three Flavors, but North of the Border, It’s a Very Different Story

The Hyundai Veloster remains an automotive oddity in a vehicle landscape rapidly shunning nonconformity, and for that, we give Hyundai credit. The car still exists. You author can still recall the first time he ever encountered one in the wild — in historic Vieux-Québec, with the “three-door” hatchback resting quietly under a streetlamp on those cobblestone streets.

A second-generation model landed in the latter part of 2018, with newfound power coming by way of the first N-badged Hyundai. With 250 horses and 260 lb-ft of torque, the Veloster N was a vehicle worthy of the hot hatch banner. And come 2021, it’ll be the only Veloster offered north of the border.

As reported by Driving, the base and mid-level Velosters will disappear from Canadian dealerships for the upcoming model year. That means buyers will no longer have the choice to outfit their oddball hatch with a fairly tepid entry-level 2.0-liter (147 hp, 132 lb-ft) or stouter 1.6-liter turbo (201 hp, 195 lb-ft).

In Canada, the Veloster will only exist to enhance the brand’s performance cred. And performance buyers shall receive, as the 275 hp Performance Package becomes standard for the coming year.

<img data-attachment-id=”1608572″ data-permalink=”https://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2018/07/new-details-spilled-on-hyundai-veloster-n-additional-performance-variants-to-wear-n-badge/large-31074-2019velostern/” data-orig-file=”https://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Large-31074-2019VelosterN-e1516039100436.jpg” data-orig-size=”3429,2160″ data-comments-opened=”1″ data-image-meta=”{“aperture”:”11″,”credit”:”Bruce Benedict”,”camera”:”Canon EOS 5DS R”,”caption”:””,”created_timestamp”:”1513094385″,”copyright”:”\u00a9 Bruce Benedict 2017″,”focal_length”:”59″,”iso”:”125″,”shutter_speed”:”0.125″,”title”:””,”orientation”:”0″}” data-image-title=”Hyundai Veloster N” data-image-description=”

Image: Hyundai

” data-medium-file=”http://automotivezen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/hyundais-2021-veloster-comes-in-three-flavors-but-north-of-the-border-its-a-very-different-story-2.jpg” data-large-file=”http://automotivezen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/hyundais-2021-veloster-comes-in-three-flavors-but-north-of-the-border-its-a-very-different-story.jpg” class=”aligncenter size-large wp-image-1608572″ src=”http://automotivezen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/hyundais-2021-veloster-comes-in-three-flavors-but-north-of-the-border-its-a-very-different-story.jpg” alt=”Hyundai Veloster N” width=”610″ height=”384″ srcset=”http://automotivezen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/hyundais-2021-veloster-comes-in-three-flavors-but-north-of-the-border-its-a-very-different-story.jpg 610w, http://automotivezen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/hyundais-2021-veloster-comes-in-three-flavors-but-north-of-the-border-its-a-very-different-story-1.jpg 75w, http://automotivezen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/hyundais-2021-veloster-comes-in-three-flavors-but-north-of-the-border-its-a-very-different-story-2.jpg 450w, http://automotivezen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/hyundais-2021-veloster-comes-in-three-flavors-but-north-of-the-border-its-a-very-different-story-3.jpg 768w, http://automotivezen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/hyundais-2021-veloster-comes-in-three-flavors-but-north-of-the-border-its-a-very-different-story-4.jpg 120w” sizes=”(max-width: 610px) 100vw, 610px”>

Reasons? Hyundai isn’t saying, but one needs only look at the model’s sales figures to guess why. In all of 2019, Hyundai Canada sold just 1,420 Velosters. Compare that to the model’s debut year, where 5,741 Canucks lined up to look offbeat — and that was in the absence of any N-derived heat. In the first seven months of 2020, Veloster sales amounted to just 572 vehicles.

With an eight-speed dual-clutch automatic arriving for 2021, the hottest of Hyundai’s hatches opens itself up to buyers who never wanted, or never learned, to row their own. Sadly, the elimination of the lower-end Veloster comes at the same time as two other discontinuations in that northern market. The Accent, available only in five-door hatch form in Canada, vanishes from that market come 2021 (the sedan-only model remains in the U.S.), and the same goes for the Elantra GT in North America as a whole.

The latter model was available in turbocharged N Line guise, replacing the identically-equipped Sport model. Replacing all of these affordable hatchbacks? An affordable crossover of diminutive proportions (and power). For an automotive brand that introduced itself to the North American market through its hatchbacks, Hyundai seems to want to get rid of them in a hurry.

[Images: Hyundai]